Hot Tubs

Hot Tub Buyer’s Guide

Aug 4th, 2022

The choice on what hot tub to buy can be one that takes time and thoughtful consideration. The benefits of having a hot tub are endless, from soothing aching muscles and reducing stress to improving your quality of sleep at night. But there are certainly some questions that need to be addressed before you dip your toes into a new hot tub. 

In this quick hot tub buyer’s guide, we are going to cover the top 5 questions that explain how to buy a hot tub. By the end of this short guide, you will have a clearer picture of what you should be looking for in a hot tub, your financial obligations, as well as all of the ins and outs of hot tub ownership.

1. How Do I Begin the Hot Tub Shopping Process?

Resist the temptation to jump right in and purchase the very first hot tub you see on a showroom floor. Research is critical if you are going to find a hot tub that will complement your lifestyle and your budget.

  • Let the internet be your guide.

The internet will provide you with loads of information, from local hot tub dealers to different sizes, brands and price points. You will also be able to find out more information about hot tub ownership as well as reviews about specific hot tubs you may find yourself interested in.

  • Do some deeper intel

Write down information about the hot tubs you’re interested in and come up with a list of local dealers who have that hot tub available.

  • Ask the pros

The local dealer you are interested in purchasing the hot tub from should have a wealth of knowledge about the specific tub you are considering buying. Contact them to help answer any questions or concerns you may have about a particular hot tub their showroom.

2. How Much Will My Utility Bill Increase?

A valid concern most to-be hot tub owners have is how much their utilities are going to cost each month.

Hot tubs require energy, so there is no question that you can expect to see an increase in your energy bill. With that said, modern technology has made it possible for several features of your tub to be run at optimal efficiency so the utility costs will not increase nearly as much as they may have in tubs which are even just a few years old.

The energy requirements of each tub will also differ. Higher-end systems may cost more upfront than a lower-end system, for example, but the utility costs will be significantly less in a higher-end tub because the components (the pump, heater, insulation and custom-fit cover) are more efficient than lower-end tubs.

To put it more in perspective, a major spa company recently polled owners of their tubs about how much their energy costs increased each month. The average user, using the tub six days a week, found that their electricity bill only increased by approximately $20 a month (less than it would cost to stop in at a local gym or community center to use the public hot tub!).

3. Are Hot Tubs Difficult to Maintain?

We all want to spend time in a hot tub, but the majority of us do not want to spend hours each week maintaining it.

Average hot tubs may take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour to maintain each week depending on usage and what care it requires. The water typically needs to be changed every 3 to 4 months, for example, but the pH balance should be checked once a week.

Modern hot tubs are designed specifically to make cleaning and maintenance duties quick and easy. For example, if you invest in a tub with a built-in water care system, you may not need to purify or change the water in your tub or scrub the sides for several months at a time, depending on how frequently the tub is used.

4. Do I Really Need a Hot Tub?

Owning a hot tub is a personal decision. But the health benefits it delivers can improve the health of the majority of individuals for a number of reasons not already mentioned:

  • Hydrotherapy can ease minor as well as chronic aches and pains (including migraines and tension headaches)
  • The warm soothing water can improve cardiovascular health while lowering blood sugar and blood pressure levels
  • Hot tubs are an inviting spot where you can relax and rejuvenate by yourself or reconnect with loved ones

Sitting in a hot tub for as little as 10 minutes a few times each week can have profound and long-lasting effects on all aspects of your health and well-being. While you may not necessarily “need” a hot tub, when you recognize the medically proven therapeutic benefits of having one, you will wonder why you would want to live without one.

5. What Features Should I Look For?

Hot tubs come in all shapes and sizes these days, with some being fully loaded with glowing LED lights and in-tub speakers to basic inflatable tubs that do little more than retain warm water.

The key to finding the right hot tub for you is to consider how you will be using your tub. When determining what size and features to look for, ask yourself:

  • Why am I purchasing the tub (for hydrotherapy? As an intimate spot for my partner and I to relax in? For my family to hang out in?)
  • Is the tub large enough for me (and the other people who will be using it)?
  • How easy is the tub to maintain?
  • Is it easy to operate this hot tub and how much will it cost to operate?
  • What accessories do I need, and which accessories would I like to have?

Have more questions about how to buy a hot tub? Contact your local hot tub dealer to speak with a specialist that can help answer any questions you may have and get you started on your journey to hot tub ownership.

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