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The Benefits of Hydrotherapy Massage When Experiencing Depression or Anxiety

Aug 4th, 2022

Mental illness awareness has rightfully gained more traction in the past few years, with people advocating for more support and better policies for those struggling with depression and anxiety, as well as trying to remove the negative stigma that is attached to mental illness. In today’s everchanging times, depression and anxiety are rampant among us, as many people are now having to wear multiple hats throughout the day adding even more stress to an already stressful situation. 

So what can you do at home to help provide relief during those stressful moments that will help ease just a few symptoms of depression and anxiety? Consider investing in a hot tub to start reaping the benefits of hydrotherapy massage in the comfort of your own home.

What Is Hydrotherapy and How Does It Work?

The naturopathic therapy known as hydrotherapy is the application of water to the surface of the body in an effort to provide healing and help it feel better. Today, modern hydrotherapy includes warm water therapy along with the benefits of targeted massage therapy that you can get in a hot tub. 

During an American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting earlier this year, Dr. Bruce Becker, a clinical professor at the University of Washington shared his research findings that when patients are in the water, they experience a reduction in anxiety, as well as mental relaxation. He also noticed a reduction in nervous system activity and balance improvement. 

During hydrotherapy massage, a body’s blood vessels relax causing the blood to move toward the surface. Research has also shown that hydrotherapy massage helps decrease cortisol levels, which is one of the stress hormones in the body, and helps balance serotonin levels in the body. During a soak in a hot tub, your body is supported by its buoyancy, allowing you to fully relax. The jets also serve as a personal massage by working out tension knots and painful spots throughout the body caused by stress and anxiety. 

According to Dr. Becker’s research, hydrotherapy massage also offers the following additional benefits:

  • Reduced cardiac irritability
  • Blood pressure reduction
  • Decreased inflammatory processes
  • Both mental and anxiety relaxation
  • Mood improvement
  • Reduction in mood disorders

Give Yourself the Break You Deserve

It’s important that you consult your physician for medical guidance if you are dealing with depression and anxiety. While hydrotherapy massage should not be your only course of action in helping your depression or anxiety, it does serve as a wonderful natural method to help combat symptoms as they occur. By incorporating a daily 15-minute soak in a hot tub you’ll begin to notice a marked difference in your mood and body, giving your body and mind the break it deserves, especially in those anxiety-riddled moments.  

Get in touch with your local hot tub experts and set up a test soak to experience the healing benefits of hydrotherapy massage. 

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