
Thinking About a Chlorine Alternative?

Aug 10th, 2022

If you have a pool, you might have noticed that it’s harder to get chlorine than it used to be. When you can find it, it’s often more expensive. There are several factors involved in this shortage. There was a significant fire at the BioLab facility in the fall of 2020, which interrupted production by that major supplier. In addition, COVID-19 has slowed the production of a variety of materials, including pool chemicals. Finally, there’s a pool building boom thanks to many wanting to spend more time at home, leading to an increased demand for the very things that are necessary for pool construction and maintenance. 

Chlorine is highly effective, but it does have drawbacks. When it bonds to ammonia from sweat or skin cells in the water, it creates chloramine gas. This gas can irritate your skin, eyes, and lungs. It’s also the source of the infamous “pool smell” that everyone talks about. Additionally, many pools need to add supplemental chemicals because the ultraviolet light from the sun can degrade chlorine, causing it to be less effective.

The good news is that there are alternatives to using chlorine in your pool. If you’re interested in other options, these ideas might be perfect for you.

Saltwater Chlorine Generator

If you want to stick with chlorine but want to avoid being impacted by the shortage, your best option is a saltwater chlorine generator. This machine uses salt and water to create chlorine consistently over time. 

You can avoid using extra chlorine needed to shock the pool back into balance because chlorine is being generated continuously. You’ll also minimize chloramines. However, you will still need to add pH balancers and algaecides with a saltwater chlorine generator. Also, you may need to make some changes in your pool equipment to avoid salt corrosion.

Ozone Treatment

Ozone generators can’t sanitize a pool entirely by themselves, but they can reduce your chemical needs by up to 90%. Ozone treatment is pH neutral and helps break down organic contaminants. It prevents calcium scaling and doesn’t leave behind any byproducts. 

An ozone generator can use ultraviolet light or an electrical discharge. However, it works best in a dry climate. If it’s humid in your area, you may find that you need to use more chlorine to help the ozone treatment along. 

Mineral Sanitizing Systems

A mineral sanitizing system can also dramatically decrease the amount of chlorine you need in your pool. Like ozone, it doesn’t sanitize fully on its own but can make a significant difference. Natural mineral systems release ions of silver and copper into the pool water, which help kill bacteria and keep your water clean. Because these elements are natural, this is an environmentally friendly option. The mineral system also promotes softer skin and pool water.

Contact Your Local Pool Care Experts

At a time when it’s hard to get the chlorine you need, considering chlorine alternatives is a great way to save money and reap additional benefits for the long haul as a pool owner. If you’re interested in chlorine alternatives or how to clean your pool water contact your trusted, local pool supply store to learn more. 

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