Hot Tubs

Can a Hot Tub Help With My Lower Back Pain (and Other Ailments)?

Aug 4th, 2022

There’s a lot we do day in and day out that hurts our backs. Whether it’s sitting at a desk at work or doing physical activity like lifting and carrying heavy objects, our back muscles get strained. If you’ve been wondering about the benefits of a hot tub, we have good news. A hot tub is excellent therapy for lower back pain and other ailments.

What is it about a hot tub that makes such a positive difference? Read on to learn just a few of the benefits.

Warm Water Helps Relax Muscles

A hot tub allows you to completely relax and soak in warm water. This raises your body temperature, which enhances blood flow and helps your muscles relax. 

This relaxation reduces pain and helps you unwind after a long day. Plus, the increased blood flow allows muscles to recover so that you can have a good day the next day. You’ll be less likely to injure yourself or have additional muscle strain when your muscles are relaxed.

Water Gives You Buoyancy

We all know that water helps us float, and that’s one of the reasons it’s so great for lower back pain and other ailments. When you’re immersed in water, the body weight you experience is reduced by 90 percent. This takes the pressure off your back, joints, and muscles.

This buoyancy allows muscles to get a rare chance to relax without supporting you, which means the relief is more complete. Plus, your joints and spine have a chance to realign and regain the proper spacing between bones.

Massage Jets Help Further Relaxation

In addition to the warm water and buoyancy, most hot tubs have hot water jets that can be focused on particularly sore muscles. This hydromassage kneads muscles safely and effectively, which allows them to relax.

If you have specific muscles that are especially sore, the massage jets can help you relieve pain and remove muscle tension. As a result, you’ll be able to relax and even sleep better, giving you a great head start on the next day.

Relaxing Your Body Helps Your Mind

The connection between your body and mind is well-known, although hard to fully understand. It’s clear that stress in your mind leads to tension in your body and that many times pain in your body distracts your mind and makes it hard to focus.

When you use a hot tub for lower back pain and other ailments, you get a period of stress-free relaxation. This can help you ease your mind and forget your troubles for a while. A clear mind allows you to reassess your situation and think about solutions more creatively.

Using a spa to ease your muscles also allows you to ease your mind — a true win-win!

Contact a Reputable Hot Tub Dealer

A hot tub is an excellent way to manage low back pain, muscle tension, and other ailments. The combination of hot water, buoyancy, and massage jets give you various ways to relax. If you’re ready to invest in your health and incorporate a hot tub into your everyday life, contact your local reputable hot tub store.

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