
Protect Your Lawn From Grubs

Aug 11th, 2022

Grubs can wreak havoc on your lawn. These little pests will quickly destroy your grass, leaving you with ugly brown patches. Fear not, though, as there is hope to not only protect your lawn, but restore it as well. Read on to learn more about grubs, the damage they cause and what steps you need to take to keep your turf looking its best during grub season. 

What are Grubs & What Kind of Damage Do They Cause?

Grubs are the larvae of various insects, including beetles, flies, and moths. They are often found in soil and can damage plants by feeding on their roots. They can also become a nuisance to homeowners by causing extensive damage to their turf. These pests attack the roots of the grass. As a result, the grass forms brown patches and wilt – this causes the death of the grass. 

The presence of grubs makes your lawn susceptible to other problems, such as drought stress, thatch build-up, and erosion. And in severe cases, grubs can kill your lawn entirely.

If you think you might have grubs on your lawn, there’s an easy way to check. Take up a small section of turf and look for them in the soil. If you see any grubs, you can be pretty sure that’s what’s causing the problem. Then you can take measures to get rid of them and keep them from coming back, including getting in touch with a professional turf care company who has the knowhow to help handle the issue.  

Prevent & Reduce Grub Damage

There are ways to be proactive in protecting your lawn against grubs. Be sure to: 

1. Water your lawn regularly. Make sure to keep your lawn healthy and well-watered. Grubs thrive in dry, compacted soil, so keeping your lawn hydrated will make it less hospitable for them. Water deeply and evenly. But avoid watering in the evening or at night to reduce the risk of fungal diseases. If you’re still seeing grubs after a few weeks of deep watering, you may need to treat your lawn with an insecticide.

2. Treating your lawn. Timing is critical when it comes to treating grubs. The best time to treat grubs is in late summer or early fall. This is the time before they have a chance to lay their eggs. This is because the larvae are much more susceptible to insecticide treatments at this stage. There are a variety of insecticide and pesticide treatments available. A lawn care professional can help you choose the best option for your situation.

3. Mow your lawn regularly. Be diligent in your lawn care and check for grubs regularly. This will help keep the grass short, making it harder for grubs to find food. Mowing helps to remove grubs and their larvae from the soil surface. This prevents them from causing damage to your lawn. You should also remove any dead grass and leaves from your lawn, as these can provide shelter for grubs. 

Contact Your Local Turf Care Experts

When grub season is here, don’t let them ruin your lawn. You are able to protect your lawn from grubs by treating, watering, and mowing it regularly. Be sure to integrate these practices into your lawn care routine to keep your lawn looking great all season long. If you are having trouble getting a handle on your grub situation, give a trusted, local turf care expert call as soon as possible.

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