
Things to Keep in Mind When Winterizing Your Pool

Aug 10th, 2022

With swimming ranked as the fourth most popular activity/sport in the United States, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, it’s no wonder many homeowners want to add a pool to their backyard. With pool ownership comes a lot of responsibility, and as temperatures outside start to fall, it’s time to focus on winterizing your pool. 

A properly winterized pool will be able to withstand cooler temperatures without getting damaged. Below are some pool maintenance tips to keep in mind when winterizing your pool this year. 

Properly Balanced Pool Water is Crucial

One of the first steps in the pool winterizing process is testing the water. Conducting a pH test of your water will give you an idea of what chemicals need to be added. Ideally, you want a pH level of between 7.2 to 7.4. 

You also need to take a look at total alkalinity levels to ensure they are in the 80 to 150 ppm range. Before you shut the pool down for winter, make sure that all visible algae is removed. The best way to remove visible algae is by shocking the pool and cleaning it afterward. You need to conduct the water balancing process a week before you intend to shut down the pool to ensure the chemicals have time to disperse. 

Don’t Forget to Lower Water Levels

Most newcomers to the world of the pool winterization process fail to realize that they have to lower the water levels. The amount of water that needs to be taken out of your pool will depend on the type of pool cover you are using. 

For instance, if you are using a pool safety cover, you need to bring your water levels down to at least six inches below the tile. If you are using a solid cover, then you need to bring down water levels to a few inches below your skimmer. 

Remove Water from Your Filter and Pump

Before you close your pool for winter, you need to check your filters. If you are using DE filters, then open them up and hose out the grids. You also need to inspect the filter for any tears or rips. 

Cartridge-style filters should be removed and cleaned. Once you have cleaned these filters, you can place them back into the cases to store for winter. Before you seal back up the cases, don’t forget to lubricate any O-rings that are present. 

Some inexperienced pool owners think that adding antifreeze to their pump is the best way to prevent freezing. In reality, adding antifreeze can damage your pump and seals. Completely draining the water from your filter and pump is the best way to protect these elements from extreme winter temperatures. 

Contact Your Local Pool Care Experts

Properly winterizing your pool not only protects it against the cold weather elements but also makes for an easier pool opening come springtime. Contact a local professional service company to get your water balanced prior to pool winterization and grab everything you need to make for a worry-free pool closing experience. 

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